The Massachusetts Real Estate Investors Association will hearBrian P. Scagliola of Heritage Investments at a meeting beginning at6:30 Tuesday evening at the Marriott Hotel in Peabody. For moreinformation or a newsletter, call 781-639-8616 . . . TheMassachusetts Association of Realtors will cosponsor a one-dayseminar, "Selling Like a Giant in Cyberspace," from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.Sept. 16 at the main auditorium of the Federal Reserve Bank inBoston. Cosponsors include the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, NewEngland Chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Institute, New EnglandChapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors, Cape andIslands Association of Realtors, Massachusetts Real Estate InvestorsAssociation and the Real Estate CyberSpace Society. Call800-725-6272 for a schedule of fees. Leases and sales
GTE Internetworking has leased 235,000 square feet at Metro NorthCorporate Center in Woburn and plans to have more than 1,000employees there next year. The five-story building will beconstructed by Newton-based National Development of New England. TheGTE Internetworking building is part of the 1 million-square-footoffice and retail complex located off I-93. Stephen Murphy and BrianMcKenzie of Insignia/ESG Inc. represented the landlord. Bill Goadeof CRESA Partners represented the tenant, which is the Internetdivision of GTE Corp. of Irving, Texas . . . Organogenisis hasleased 65,570 square feet of research and development space at 85John Rd. in the Canton Commerce Center in Canton. Organogenisis,which manufactures Apligraf, a wound dressing used to heal skinulcers, plans to use the space for the expansion of corporate officesto support its manufacturing facility in the park. Sean M. Teague ofFallon Hines & O'Connor represented the landlord, Conroy DevelopmentCorp. Lenny Owens of McCall & Almy represented the tenant . . .EuroPacific Parts International has leased 30,000 square feet at 279Pleasant St. in West Bridgewater. David G. Mitchell of SpauldingSlye Colliers represented EuroPacific. Mark Donahue of DonahueAssociates represnted the building owner, 279 Pleasant Street Trust .. . Margulies & Associates was selected by the MacDowell Co. todesign the interior and exterior renovation of 21 Center St., aretail and office building in Weston. The 27,000-square-footbuilding will get a compelte update and new landscaping . . .Prudential Real Estate Investors and O'Neill Properties Group wereappointed by Meredith & Grew Inc.-ONCOR International as exclusiveleasing agents for Acorn Park in Cambridge. The 41-acre complex willoffer 400,000 square feet of office, research and laboratory space inseven buildings. People on the move
Four persons have been named to the board of directors of theMetropolitan Boston Housing Partnership. They include Ken Witkin,director of real estate for Fleet Financial; Gail Latimore, executivedirector of Codman Square CDC; Carl J. Michael Dow Koechlin,executive dirtector of Fenway CDC; and Craig Tateronis of Hutchins,Wheeler & Ditnmar . . . J. Michael Dow has been named to the newposition of national president and chief executive officer of CRESAPartners of Boston. Dow was chief executive officer and chairman ofJones Lang Wootton USA Inc. . . . Daniel J. St. Clair of Boston, aregistered architect, has been named a project manager in theadvisory services group of Spaulding & Slye Colliers, which alsonamed Damian A. Szary of North Reading as a broker in its brokeragegroup . . . Beverlee A. Vidoli of Vidoli and Bettison Realtors Inc.of Burlington, has been named realtor of the year by the EasternMiddlesex Association of Realtors. She served as the association'spresident last year . . . Tarin Patrick of Hunneman Real EstateCorp.'s relocation division has been named manager of the CorporateInventory Department . . . Duncan Gilkey has been named president ofthe Boston Design Center, recently purchased by the Davis Cos.Gilkey has been vice president of sales and marketing for theWashington Design Center . . . Paula J. McLean has been named salesdirector of FairWynds at Cranwell Resort and Golf Club in Lenox. Atotal of 67 single-family homes will be built at the club.
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